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Trading Partner Performance Management (TPPM)

A global group facilitated by Global Standards Management Process (GSMP), the pre-eminent worldwide collaborative forum where GS1 standards are built and maintained, has recently completed work on the development of Trading Partner Performance Management (TPPM). The TPPM provides comprehensive, unambiguous metrics and definitions that represent diverse trading partner performance measurement requirements and are precise enough that independent companies working with the same underlying data will derive the same metrics result.

Given that the industry in Australasia does not currently embrace a standard set of KPIs and measures, ECRA will maintain a watching brief on global developments to ascertain the benefits of implementing such standards locally at a future point in time.

In the meantime, companies are encouraged to consider whether the TPPM measures could be adopted in their businesses, particularly if looking to establish new KPIs or revise calculation methods and/or terminology of current KPIs.

Click here to download the Report.