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ECRA Convention a Great Success

Each year since 2009, the ECRA Supplier and Retailer Convention has brought together leaders from across the fast moving consumer goods retail and supply industry to examine, discuss and debate the current and emerging issues impacting our industry both locally and globally.

This year the Convention examined the changes to the business environment, the disruptive influences, the changing consumer and the competitive market.

A focus for the event was the theme of trust.

  • Why is it that consumers trust each other more than retailers and brands?
  • How do our businesses better meet shopper needs and answer the question "who can I trust?"?
  • How do we as trading partners deliver real value by collaborating to deliver real benefits within a framework of trust? 

The 2015 ECRA Supplier and Retailer Convention explored these themes and much more. Convention delegates gained insight to the challenges and opportunities ahead, and to real world strategies through interactive discussions and content rich sessions addressing the critical industry issues. 

Whether you were able to attend or not the Convention Report for 2015 provides a summary of the essential key takeaways and insights into the passion to do well that was evident to all of those who attended. 

Click here to download the 2015 Convention Report.